- (Fahrdynamikregelung) (автоматическое) регулирование динамики автомобиля (системой фирмы "Бош")
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der automobil-und automotive service. 2013.
Deutsch-russische wörterbuch der automobil-und automotive service. 2013.
FDR — →↑Roosevelt, Franklin D … Dictionary of contemporary English
FDR — (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) (1882 1945) 32nd president of the United States (1933 45) who implemented Depression era social and economic programs known collectively as the New Deal … English contemporary dictionary
FDR — abbrev. Franklin Delano Roosevelt … English World dictionary
FDR — noun 32nd President of the United States; elected four times; instituted New Deal to counter the Great Depression and led country during World War II (1882 1945) • Syn: ↑Roosevelt, ↑Franklin Roosevelt, ↑Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ↑F. D. Roosevelt … Useful english dictionary
FDR — Die Abkürzung FDR steht für: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32. Präsident der USA Fachverband Drogen und Rauschmittel e.V., Fachverband der Drogenhilfe in Deutschland Fahrdynamikregelung, Begriff aus der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik Failures Divergences… … Deutsch Wikipedia
FDR — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. FDR, sigle composé des trois lettres F, D et R, peut faire référence à : Flight Data Recorder, une des boîtes noires en aéronautique. Franklin Delano … Wikipédia en Français
FDR Skatepark — is a skatepark located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The park is popular with notable local skaters such as Bam Margera, Chuck Treece, and various other local pro skaters. Famous photographer Christopher Weger (known for his controversial homo… … Wikipedia
FDR (disambiguation) — FDR may refer to:* Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States * Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lake, the reservoir created by the Grand Coulee Dam * Franklin Delano Roosevelt, III (1938 ), American economist * Full Depth… … Wikipedia
FDR Drive — Franklin D. Roosevelt Driveway Le pont de Brooklyn au dessus de la FDR Driveway en 2004. Franklin D. Roosevelt Driveway est une voie rapide de 15 kilomètres longeant l East River, sur le côté est de Manhattan, à New York. Accessible toutes les 10 … Wikipédia en Français
FDR/FA — flight data recorder/fault analyzer … Military dictionary
FDR — Franklin Delano Roosevelt. * * * … Universalium